Colour of the year: How to use green in your home

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2022 is in full swing and in the world of interiors, there seems to be one thing one everyone’s mind: Green is the colour of the year.

Varying shades of green have dominated 2022 forecasting reports and while it is a beautiful colour, it can also be tricky to incorporate in your home if you’re not sure where to start. To help you out, we’ve asked our team of interior designers for their advice on how to incorporate this trend into your home.

RELATED: How to Use Colour In Your Home

Green moodboard

Green is actually a very versatile colour to use in your home and is often considered as a neutral when designing interiors. It’s a great way to bring the feeling of the outdoors in and add some natural elements to a space.

Much like nature, green represents a fresh start, growth and nature. With the past 2 years, we have seen a shift in the interior industry towards calmer, more relaxing colour palettes to create the feeling of a safe and reliable space.

So how do you incorporate this into your home? Let’s take a look…

1. Small Touches

If you’re not quite sure on where to use it in your home, opting for smaller space that are used less often is good idea. Look to bathrooms, cloakrooms or boot rooms that will add some colour without overwhelming the rest of your home. Softer sages in particular work well to create a peaceful and relaxing space, perfect for bathrooms.

Green decor

2. Go Bold

On the opposite end of the scale, don’t be afraid to go all out with this colour. If budget and opportunity allows, using green in a more major way in bold paint choices or big items like sofas! A fun option is to explore wallpapers with pops of green, too.

3. Consider Natural Light

When working with a room that has limited natural light, consider opting for a lighter shade of green in your scheme to help reflect light around the room. A key tip to consider is whether the room has a warmer or cooler tone to it. Whichever it is, you’ll want to opt for a green with a base of the opposite tone to counteract this.

4. Organic Accents

There are so many different shades of green to choose from that it’s no surprise it can be overwhelming trying to decide which one is for you. Some greens are more calming, while others are more rejuvenating.

To dip your toe into this trend, try adding splashes of green with a single furniture piece or softer furnishings like cushions and throw. You can then mix these with more neutral tones to balance the design. Don’t be afraid to pair varying shades of green together, either!

Green kitchen

5. Green Kitchens

Green kitchens are a love or hate design choice, however it is actually a great choice for kitchens as it compliments food, so having it on display in places you eat in is the perfect spot.

Softer greens are an amazing choice for naturally dark kitchen spaces, or simply ones that don’t have great lighting. When paired with lamps and candlelight it creates a beautiful, moody vibe in the evening.

When we look to cabinetry, a darker green is a popular choice – and it’s no surprise as to why! Think deep forest green, dark sage and olives for your colour palette here. These richer shades really come to life when paired with brass and marble.

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